Last Sunday all across the world Christians celebrated Easter Sunday. I find it interesting that even non-Christians celebrate Easter. Easter is extremely important to Christians. If there had been no Easter there would be no Christianity. What does the resurrection of Jesus mean? What did it accomplish? What does it prove? I want to mention several things that the resurrection of Jesus Christ proves.
1. The Resurrection proves the Word of God is True.
The Bible predicted the death, and resurrection of Jesus. All the way back in the law and the prophets, scripture predicted that the Messiah would die and would raise from the dead. The word of God is at stake over resurrection of the Messiah. When Jesus rose from the dead then all of those prophesies were fulfilled and the Word of God was proven to be true.
Remember when Jesus appeared to the two disciples walking on the road to Emmaus in Luke 24. They were grieving the death of Jesus and he appeared to them and they did not realize it was Jesus. Luke 24:25-27 (NKJV) 25Then He said to them, “O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken! 26Ought not the Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into His glory?” 27And beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself.
Notice what Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15:3 - 4 (NKJV) 3For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures,
2. The Resurrection Proves Jesus Christ is God.
There is no greater proof of Jesus deity than the resurrection. The resurrection was the most monumental thing that He did to verify that He was God, for only God can conquer death.
3. The Resurrection Proves Salvation is Complete.
In order for God to saves us, and to declare us righteous, He had to raise Jesus from the dead. Eternal life is dependent on the resurrection. The Bible says that in Adam all died, so in Christ we are made alive. Christ’s death and resurrection guarantees our eternal life. John 11:25 (NKJV) 25Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.
If Jesus had not raised form the death then his sacrifice was not successful, it did not work. It would not have atoned for our sins.
4. The Resurrection Proves the Reality of Judgment.
The Bible teaches that Jesus is the righteous judge. John 5:22 (NKJV) 22For the Father judges no one, but has committed all judgment to the Son, John 5:25 - 27 (NKJV) 25Most assuredly, I say to you, the hour is coming, and now is, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God; and those who hear will live. 26For as the Father has life in Himself, so He has granted the Son to have life in Himself, 27and has given Him authority to execute judgment also, because He is the Son of Man.
John 5:30 (NKJV) I can of Myself do nothing. As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is righteous, becasue I do not seek My own will but the will of the Fahter who sent Me.
Romans 14:9 - 10 (NKJV) 9For to this end Christ died and rose and lived again, that He might be Lord of both the dead and the living. 10But why do you judge your brother? Or why do you show contempt for your brother? For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.
Are You Ready?
Pastor Larry
1. The Resurrection proves the Word of God is True.
The Bible predicted the death, and resurrection of Jesus. All the way back in the law and the prophets, scripture predicted that the Messiah would die and would raise from the dead. The word of God is at stake over resurrection of the Messiah. When Jesus rose from the dead then all of those prophesies were fulfilled and the Word of God was proven to be true.
Remember when Jesus appeared to the two disciples walking on the road to Emmaus in Luke 24. They were grieving the death of Jesus and he appeared to them and they did not realize it was Jesus. Luke 24:25-27 (NKJV) 25Then He said to them, “O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken! 26Ought not the Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into His glory?” 27And beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself.
Notice what Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15:3 - 4 (NKJV) 3For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures,
2. The Resurrection Proves Jesus Christ is God.
There is no greater proof of Jesus deity than the resurrection. The resurrection was the most monumental thing that He did to verify that He was God, for only God can conquer death.
3. The Resurrection Proves Salvation is Complete.
In order for God to saves us, and to declare us righteous, He had to raise Jesus from the dead. Eternal life is dependent on the resurrection. The Bible says that in Adam all died, so in Christ we are made alive. Christ’s death and resurrection guarantees our eternal life. John 11:25 (NKJV) 25Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.
If Jesus had not raised form the death then his sacrifice was not successful, it did not work. It would not have atoned for our sins.
4. The Resurrection Proves the Reality of Judgment.
The Bible teaches that Jesus is the righteous judge. John 5:22 (NKJV) 22For the Father judges no one, but has committed all judgment to the Son, John 5:25 - 27 (NKJV) 25Most assuredly, I say to you, the hour is coming, and now is, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God; and those who hear will live. 26For as the Father has life in Himself, so He has granted the Son to have life in Himself, 27and has given Him authority to execute judgment also, because He is the Son of Man.
John 5:30 (NKJV) I can of Myself do nothing. As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is righteous, becasue I do not seek My own will but the will of the Fahter who sent Me.
Romans 14:9 - 10 (NKJV) 9For to this end Christ died and rose and lived again, that He might be Lord of both the dead and the living. 10But why do you judge your brother? Or why do you show contempt for your brother? For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.
Are You Ready?
Pastor Larry
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