What in your life seems impossible? We all face those situations where we feel something is impossible. The next time you face an impossible situation stop and think of the disciples and “The lesson of the twelve baskets.”
The gospel of Luke chapter 9 tells us how Jesus had slipped away from the crowds and wanted some down time. The crowds found out where he was and they followed him, and he welcomed them. He taught them and healed their diseases. As the day passed, the disciples saw a problem and encouraged Jesus to send the people away to the villages and towns so they could find food and lodging. Jesus gives the assignment of feeding the people to the disciples. He says: “You feed them.” The disciples look at their resources, and think, “It is Impossible.” We have only five loaves of bread and two fish.
There were 5,000 men not counting the women and children. This task was impossible for the disciples to accomplish in their own resources. Many times we try to solve our problems using only our own limited resources. I have come to learn over the years that my resources are very limited, but the Lord’s are limitless. Faith draws on the limitless resources of almighty God.
I was speaking with a friend recently. He told me how God is calling him into missions. We talked about what this means in his life. He has a large family and a good job, his life is secure. Following this call would require a crisis of belief. He would have to quite his job and follow a path of faith. Most of us are not comfortable in living by faith.
The disciples had seen Jesus do the impossible many times. I believe Jesus wanted them to learn a faith lesson. He had them gather the people into groups and sit them down on the ground. Jesus then took the food and asked God to bless it. He broke it up and fed all the people. After every one had eaten all they wanted there was twelve baskets left over.
Each of the disciples left that evening with a basket of bread and fish. I believe each basket contained more then the five loaves and two fish. When we trust the Lord with what we have and depend on Him in faith, He can do the impossible.
What is in your basket?
Pastor Larry
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