So teach us to number our days, That we may gain a heart of wisdom. Psalms 90:12 (NKJV)
I like planning trips. When planning a time to get away, I think about where I want to go and what I want to do. I then come up with a schedule for each day. I want to make the most of the vacation, I fill each day with as much as possible.
As I read Psalms 90:12, I am reminded how we need to carefully make the most of the days our life. Life is so short we can’t afford to waist any of it. “Teach us to number our days” this is spoken to God, asking God the help us number our days. When you number your days, you are recognizing they are few. Each December when my birthday arrives I am reminded that I am getting older. We tend to think about life in years and not days. In numbering your years you don’t want to waste a year, but God’s Word tells us to number our days. Don’t waste even a day.
Most people ignore the fact that they will die. When we attend a funeral we are reminded that life is brief and we too will someday die. Every tomb stone in a grave yard is a visual reminder of the brevity of life. I know a lady that is 102 years old. I asked her one time how fast 102 years go by. She said it only seemed like yesterday and she was a young woman. Even 102 years is not long to live.
When you make the most of your days, you gain wisdom. Think about the things that crowd your mind with worry, the meaningless task that consume so much of your time, and the effort you invest in earthly relationships, how will those things measure up in eternity? We exhaust ourselves on things that have no lasting value. Make the most of the time you have, live for Jesus.
Pastor Larry