Tuesday, May 1, 2007

I Will!

The phrase “I will” is such strong statement of determination and direction. Psalm 101 David writes a psalm and makes eleven commitments with the words “I will”. The commitments that David makes would be good for you to make. Let’s notice them:

1. “I will sing” (v.1) The song is a about God’s love and justice.
2. “I will praise” (v.1) Praise changes our attitudes.
3. “I will live blameless” (v.2) How we need God’s people to live blameless.
4. “I will live with integrity” (v.2) The commitment is to live with integrity in the home. Our homes need integrity. If you can live your faith in your home, you can live your faith anywhere.
5. “I will refuse to look at anything vile and vulgar” (v.3) Our eyes need to be protected. We need to be committed to protecting our eyes and minds from all the vile and vulgar trash the world has to offer. Protect yourself from internet vile, television vile jokes, language, thoughts.
6. “I will have nothing to do with crooked dealings” (v.3) Live honestly in this dishonest crooked world.
7. “I will reject perverse ideas” (v.4) The idea here is to stay away from all evil.
8. “I will not tolerate gossipers” (v.5) Don’t even listen or engage with those who will slander another person.
9. “I will not endure conceit and pride” (v.5) Don’t tolerate it in others or yourself. God hates pride.
10. “I will protect my brother” (v.6) Watch out for your brother, keep a protective eye on him. Christians need to watch out for each other.
11. “I will not allow deceivers to serve me” (v.7) Be careful who you do business with. If someone has a reputation of being a liar or has dishonest business practices, do not patronize them, take your business elsewhere.

Pastor Larry

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